Buying a domain?
Anyone can buy a domain name. To do so, you have to visit a domain name registrar, such as (GoDaddy, Namecheap, or other), key in the domain you want to buy, and pay a fee. You can't buy any domain, only one that isn't already registered by another person or business and that bears a valid domain suffix.
How to link your domain to our Simplify system?
In order to be able to route your domain, you have to manage the domain DNS settings and update the "A Record" value with the IP address provided. All domain service providers have a console under their websites enabling to manage the domain configuration You can find below some general information related to how you can access the DNS settings for a domain:
1- Click on the domain name
2- Try to find a button or link named "Manage DNS" or "Settings"
3- Find the DNS records
4- Click the "Edit" button beside the "A" record type
5- Insert the following values as below:
Host: @
Point to: