Bank of Beirut

  • Personal
    • Fresh Funds
    • Accounts
    • Cards
    • Digital Services
    • Settle
    • Loans
    • Small Business Loans
  • Business
    • NGOs & Nonprofits
    • Corporate Banking
    • Small Business Loans
    • Investing & Trading
    • Demand Draft
    • Correspondent Banking
    • POS Machine
    • Cards For Corporations
  • Cash Management
    • Channels
    • Receivables
    • Payables
    • Liquidity
    • Corporate Cards
    • Merchant Services
    • Electronic Payroll

Our Solutions for Nonprofits

Whether you're a large international non-profit or a small local one, our Business Online and Mobile Banking will help you manage electronically the funds entrusted to your organization.

Our digital channels provide nonprofits with the possibility to:

Our Solutions for Nonprofits

Manage Accounts

Both our Corporate Mobile App and Online Banking Service allow you to manage your accounts electronically, with 24/7 support. You can check your account balances, view transactions history, make local and international payments, order cheque books, request demand drafts and several other mobile financial services.

You may also delegate authorities to your staff while maintaining full control over transaction approval




Manage Accounts

Distribute Aids

Our online solutions allow nonprofits and international organizations to distribute aids through pay cards to unbanked beneficiaries in order to avoid cash handling and associated risks. NGOs can also benefit from cash over the counter payment services available at BoB Finance 850 outlets in Lebanon, allowing them to make online bulk payments to beneficiaries in all regions. 

Pay Cards We give you an alternative to cheque and cash to pay unbanked beneficiaries without the need to open a bank account for the beneficiary. Perfect tool for NGOs and nonprofits, Bank of Beirut Pay Card allows your beneficiaries to access funds through cash withdrawals at ATMs or card usage at Points of Sale.


Cash over the counter payment service is also available at BoB Finance 850 outlets in Lebanon allowing you to make online bulk payments to your beneficiaries. 

Distribute Aids

Access Fresh Funds

Our ATM and Branch Network is at your disposal, enabling you with a full-fledged access to your fresh funds through cash withdrawals and international payments.


More importantly, all third party payments within Bank of Beirut will benefit from same privileges when executed from a fresh funds account.





Access Fresh Funds

Accept Donations

Our online solutions are at your disposal to collect and maximize your online donations.  Whether you have a website or not, you may collect online donations and card payments directly into your account through Bank of Beirut Simplify, or e-Commerce gateway.


You may also collect regular contributions from donors’ accounts through Direct Debit. 

Accept Donations

Bank of Beirut – List of Banks: 75 | Online banking services licensed by virtue of BDL letter number 11/629 dated October 2, 2008  |  2020 Bank of Beirut s.a.l. all rights reserved

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