Bank of Beirut

  • Personal
    • Fresh Funds
    • Accounts
    • Cards
    • Digital Services
    • Settle
    • Loans
    • Small Business Loans
  • Business
    • NGOs & Nonprofits
    • Corporate Banking
    • Small Business Loans
    • Investing & Trading
    • Demand Draft
    • Correspondent Banking
    • POS Machine
    • Cards For Corporations
  • Cash Management
    • Channels
    • Receivables
    • Payables
    • Liquidity
    • Corporate Cards
    • Merchant Services
    • Electronic Payroll


Availability of liquidity is crucial at the present times. With Bank of Beirut liquidity solutions you will have access to your fresh funds, in compliance with the local current economic situations.


  • Accessibility to Fresh Funds

Our business accounts give you access to fresh funds in USD or foreign currency for you to process your payments in the currency you need.

Systematic process available enabling clients to have full access to fresh funds to be disbursed through Cash withdrawals or Outgoing international payments through our corporate online banking platform.


  • Cash Concentration

Eliminate idle balances across all of your company’s accounts with the ability to physically transfer excess funds into a single master account


Bank of Beirut – List of Banks: 75 | Online banking services licensed by virtue of BDL letter number 11/629 dated October 2, 2008  |  2020 Bank of Beirut s.a.l. all rights reserved

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