Bank of Beirut

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The General Assembly of Bank of Beirut held on May 6th, 2019
  • Resolved the distribution of dividends to common & preferred shares
  • Approved the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for fiscal year 2018
  • Granted the members of the Board of Directors the authorizations provided for in Articles 158 and 159 of the Lebanese Code of Commerce.
  • Discharged the Chairman & members of the board from any liability for matters related to the Bank’s management for the previous period.


The General Assembly of Bank of Beirut held on May 6th, 2019
Bank of Beirut Preferred Shares
  • Fiscal Year
  • Consolidated Net Profit* LBP 000’s
  • Instrument
  • Dividend / Share(Before Distrib. Tax)
  • EPS (LBP)
  • Note
  • 2018
  • 311,647,379.00
  • Common Shares
    Priority Shares 2014
    Pref. (G)
    Pref. (H)
    Pref. (I)
    Pref. (J)
    Pref. (K)
  • LBP 1,150
    LBP 1,150+USD0.84
    USD 2.3625
    USD 1.75
    USD 1.6875
    USD 1.6250
    USD 1.6250
  • 3,385(Common)
    4,659 (Priority)
  • Dividends paid on May 15, 2019 for the holders of shares as at 10/05/2019 (Record Date)
  • 2017
  • 308,155,653.00
  • Common Shares
    Priority Shares 2014
    Pref. (G)
    Pref. (H)
    Pref. (I)
    Pref. (J)
    Pref. (K)
  • LBP 1,150
    LBP 1,150+USD0.84
    USD 2.3625
    USD 1.75
    USD 1.6875
    USD 1.6250
    USD 1.6250
  • 2,994(Common)
    4,283 (Priority)
  • Dividends are paid on May 17, 2018 for the holders of shares as at 11/5/2018 (Record date for common and preferred series "G","H","I","J"& “K”)
  • 2016
  • 303,567,341.00
  • Common Shares
    Priority Shares 2014
    Pref. (G)
    Pref. (H)
    Pref. (I)
    Pref. (J)
    Pref. (K)
  • LBP 1,000
    LBP 1,000+USD0.84
    USD 2.36
    USD 1.75
    USD 1.69
    USD 1.63
    USD 0.57
  • 3,020(Common)
    4,323 (Priority)
  • Dividends are paid on May 11, 2017 for the holders of shares as at 10/05/2017 (Record date for common and preferred series "G","H","I","J"& “K”)
  • 2015
  • 281,346,000.00
  • Common Shares
    Priority Shares 2014
    Pref. (E)
    Pref. (G)
    Pref. (H)
    Pref. (I)
    Pref. (J)
  • LBP 900
    LBP 900+USD0.84
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.36
    USD 1.75
    USD 1.69
    USD 1.63
  • 2,948(Common)
    4,259 (Priority)
  • Dividends are paid on May 12, 2016 for the holders of shares as at 10/05/2016 (Record date for common and preferred series "G","H","I""J") and as at 28/12/2015 for preferred shares series "E"
  • 2014
  • 265,085,000.00
  • Common Shares
    Priority Shares 2014
    Pref. (E)
    Pref. (F)
    Pref. (G)
    Pref. (H)
    Pref. (I)
  • LBP 900
    LBP 900+USD0.26
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.36
    USD 1.75
    USD 1.69
  • 3,151(Common)
  • Dividends are paid on May 6, 2015 for the holders of shares as at 30/04/2015 (Record date for common and preferred series "E", "G","H"&"I") and as at 26/12/2014 for preferred shares series "F"
  • 2013
  • 219,245,032.00
  • Common Shares
    Pref. (E)
    Pref. (F)
    Pref. (G)
    Pref. (H)
    Pref. (I)
  • LBP 859
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.3625
    USD 1.75
    USD 1.6875
  • 2,653.00
  • Dividends are paid on April 30, 2014 for the holders of shares as at 22/04/2014 (Record date for common and preferred series "E", "F", "G","H"&"I")
  • 2012
  • 201,816,548.00
  • Common Shares
    Pref. (D)
    Pref. (E)
    Pref. (F)
    Pref. (G)
    Pref. (H)
  • LBP 716
    USD 2.25
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.3625
    USD 1.75
  • 2,260.00
  • Dividends are paid on April 19, 2013 for the holders of shares as at 11/04/2013 (Record date for common and preferred series "E", "F", "G"&"H") and as at 27/12/2012 for preferred shares series"D"
  • 2011
  • 182,924,493.00
  • Common Shares
    Pref. (D)
    Pref. (E)
    Pref. (F)
    Pref. (G)
    Pref. (H)
  • LBP 650
    USD 2.25
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.3625
    USD 0.455
  • 2,214.00
  • Dividends are paid on April 20, 2012 for the holders of shares as at 12/04/2012(Record Date for common and preferred series "D", "E", "F", "G" & "H")
  • 2010
  • 151,914,639.00
  • Common Shares
    Pref. (C)
    Pref. (D)
    Pref. (E)
    Pref. (F)
  • LBP 650
    USD 3.00
    USD 2.25
    USD 2.00
    USD 2.00
  • 2,160.00
  • Dividends are paid on April 19, 2011 for the holders of shares as at 08/04/2011 (Record Date for Common and preferred Series "D", "E" & "F") and as at 28/12/2010 for Preferred Shares "C".
  • 2009
  • 112,185,004.00
  • Common Shares
    Pref. (C)
    Pref. (D)
    Pref. (E)
    Pref. (F)
  • LBP 625
    USD 2.27
    USD 2.25
    USD 2.00
    USD 0.58
  • 1,756.00
  • Dividends are paid on April 15, 2010 for the holders of shares as at March 30, 2010(Record Date).
  • 2008
  • 99,421,992.00
  • Common Shares
    Preferred Shares (C)
    Preferred Shares (D)
  • LBP 625
    USD 2.76
    USD 2.25
  • 1,647.00
  • Dividends are paid for the holders of shares as at April 2, 2009 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear
  • 2007
  • 66,052,640.00
  • Common Shares
    Preferred Shares (A)
    Preferred Shares (B)
    Preferred Shares (C)
    Preferred Shares (D)
  • LBP 550
    USD 0.79
    USD 0.81
    USD 2.00
    USD 0.27
  • 1,252.00
  • Ordinary General Assemblies held on 24 April 2008 & 28 January 2008
  • 2006
  • 55,823,653.00
  • Common Shares
    Preferred Shares (A)
    Preferred Shares (B)
    Preferred Shares (C)
  • LBP 450
    USD 0.88
    USD 0.81
    USD 2.00
  • 1,160.00
  • Ordinary General Assemblies held on 4 April 2007 & 7 February 2007
  • 2005
  • 41,007,836.00 (Restated)
  • Common Shares
    Preferred Shares (A)
    Preferred Shares (B)
    Preferred Shares (C)
  • LBP 425
    USD 0.88
    USD 0.81
    USD 0.4986
  • 959.00
  • Ordinary General Assemblies held on 12 April 2006 & 3 March 2006
  • 2004
  • 38,656,832.00 (Restated)
  • Common Shares
    Preferred Shares (A)
    Preferred Shares (B)
  • LBP 300
    USD 0.88
    USD 0.81
  • 957.00
  • Ordinary General Assemblies held on 26 April 2005 & 17 February 2005
  • 2003
  • 30,566,347.00
  • Common Shares
  • LBP 250
  • 754.00
  • Ordinary General Assembly held on 7 May 2004
  • 2002
  • 30,056,109.00
  • Common Shares
  • LBP 150
  • 766.00
  • Ordinary General Assembly held on 14 May 2003
*Including Non-Controlling Interest

Bank of Beirut – List of Banks: 75 | Online banking services licensed by virtue of BDL letter number 11/629 dated October 2, 2008  |  2020 Bank of Beirut s.a.l. all rights reserved

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