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Bank of Beirut Implements BDL Basic Circular no.158

Bank of Beirut Implements BDL Basic Circular no.158

Since the first of July 2021, Bank of Beirut has been implementing Banque du Liban Circular No. 158 as well as all related Intermediate Circulars concerned with the “Exceptional Measures for the Gradual Withdrawal of Deposits in Foreign Currencies”.




- Eligible amount: a maximum of USD50,000 disbursed monthly as follows:

- Concerning those who benefited from the provisions of this Circular before 01 July 2023:

USD 400 paid either in cash (Banknotes) &/or by transfer abroad &/or by credit cards that can be used in Lebanon and abroad &/or deposited in a new account (Fresh Account), with a maximum of USD 4,800 per year at all Banks.

- Concerning customers who did not benefit from the provisions of this Circular before 01 July 2023:

USD 300 paid either in cash (Banknotes) &/or by transfer abroad &/or by credit cards that can be used in Lebanon and abroad &/or deposited in a new account (Fresh Account), with a maximum of USD 3,600 per year at all Banks.


-Eligible currencies: All foreign currencies

-Eligible types of accounts: Individual accounts (Single, Joint, Co-Joint, Minor, Legal heirs)

-None-eligible types of accounts: Moral Persons, Establishments, Public Sector, Associations, NGOs, Financial Companies….., and clients who are subject to BDL Basic Circular 154 and did not transfer back the required amount.


* Eligible clients wishing to benefit from the Circular are invited to sign a Banking Secrecy Waiver waiving the banking secrecy on the Special Sub Accounts opened for the sole reason of benefiting from the Circular.





Bank of Beirut welcomes any concern, recommendation, suggestion or complaint related to the application of the BDL Basic Circular No. 158 and all related Intermediate Circulars through the following channels:

- Fill in a complaint form available at the premises of our branches, mentioning that the complaints related to BDL Basic Circular No. 158.  Sign it, seal it and place it in the complaint box installed for this purpose.

- Access to online / mobile banking application, select “complaint”.

- Access the “complaint” tab on this website:


Our Customer Service remains available 24/7 to answer all queries related to the Circular, through its hotline 1262 from Lebanon or +9611886656 from abroad. You may also reach us through our social media platforms.


Click here to find answers to all questions related to the implementation of the BDL Basic Circular 158.

Bank of Beirut – List of Banks: 75 | Online banking services licensed by virtue of BDL letter number 11/629 dated October 2, 2008  |  2020 Bank of Beirut s.a.l. all rights reserved

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